Friday, October 1, 2010

Shake the dust...

This is for the unpopulars and wannabe's alike. For the dropouts, that let their chance go by. This is for the populars, who lived their life with ease. Shake the dust. This is for the workaholics, with little time. For the lonely moms. For the grandparents lost in time. Shake the dust. This is for the misunderstood teenagers, unspoken and lost. For the single girls, boys, parents. Shake the dust. This is for the hands that have never been held. For the paths never taken. For the song never sung. Shake the dust. This is for the broken, the hurt and abused. This is for the bruised, the helpless and scarred. Shake the dust. This is for the unconfident, who rethink everything. For the over confident who rethink nothing. For the emotionly unstable. Shake the dust. This is for the mistaken moms, praying for a miracle to bring their child back. For the children lost in the world they can't get out of. Shake the dust.
So grab this world by it's clothespins and shake it out again and again and jump on top and take it for a spin, for this is yours. Your world, your life, and its under your control.


  1. This is good. Some very serious stuff. I liked how you grouped some of your lines together. The workaholics and then the lonely moms. That line is so strong for me. Maybe because I think of my wife who stays home with our kids while I'm gone. Very honest and powerful.

  2. i love the line, "for the grandparents lost in time", brilliant.
